
Tucson Standard

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Tucson Water wins national equity award

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Mayor Regina Romero - City of Tucson | City of Tucson website

Mayor Regina Romero - City of Tucson | City of Tucson website

The Alliance for Water Efficiency (AWE) recently selected Tucson Water as the recipient of the 2024 Excellence in Equity Award.

Tucson Water, representing the City of Tucson, was chosen for offering a variety of conservation incentives that address low-income community needs and maintaining long-standing partnerships with organizations that provide plumbing assistance. Partnerships with groups like Community Home Repair Projects of Arizona and the Sonora Environmental Research Institute offer free toilet and discounted clothes washer installations, emergency plumbing repairs, and grants, no-interest loans, and rebates for rainwater and gray water harvesting.

Tucson Water was also recognized for the City's Storm to Shade program and Tucson Clean and Beautiful's Green Stormwater Infrastructure mini-grant program's use of tools like the Tree Equity Score. Additionally, Tucson Water was cited for its collaboration with community ambassadors and use of participatory design processes to drive equitable investment and community engagement.

AWE represents hundreds of utilities and organizations dedicated to the efficient and sustainable use of water.

For inquiries or suggestions, contact 311 or visit Tucson 311 to submit a request.
