Follow the progress of the voter-approved Tucson Delivers - Proposition 101: Safer City, Better Streets; and Proposition 407: Parks + Connections Bond program. Of the $250 million projected to be collected from the Proposition 101 half-cent sales tax (2018-2022), $100 million is dedicated to the Better Streets initiative, with 40 percent dedicated to neighborhood street improvements. The Safer City initiative will provide $150 million for vehicles, equipment, and facilities for the Tucson Fire and Police departments. The Parks + Connections Bond (2019-2028) provides $225 million to improve City park amenities, including playgrounds, sports fields, pools, and splash pads. Connection projects include greenways and shared-use paths, pedestrian safety and walkability, and bicycle boulevards. Learn about the goals of Tucson Delivers and the specific projects being completed by visiting the website and English or Spanish newsletters linked below.